Tag: legal trouble

  • Caboodle Ranch dissolved, ordered to liquidate all assets

    No wonder Caboodle Ranch has been so quiet! On June 27th, 2014, the court handed down a stunning defeat for Caboodle Ranch. Caboodle Ranch is ordered to: Dissolve Caboodle Ranch. Immediately stop accepting animals. Immediately stop accepting donations of cash or materials. (As of July 1st, Caboodle Ranch is in violation of this agreement, as…

  • Craig Grant released from probation, immediately faces contempt of court charges

    One year ago, Craig Grant narrowly escaped criminal prosecution by accepting a plea deal. The resulting probation and deferred prosecution agreement were discharged on May 29th of this year, prompting cries of victory on the Ranch’s Facebook page. Those claims of victory were premature. The County Court has ordered Caboodle Ranch to appear before the…