Order Placing Animals

The final order in the custody hearing for the Caboodle Ranch cats has been handed down.

1. Judge Parker ordered that the animals remain in the custody of Sheriff Ben Stewart to dispose of as he sees fit. Caboodle has no further right, title, or interest in the Caboodle Animals.

2. Caboodle is enjoined (banned) from having possession or custody of live animals going forward. However, in the future Caboodle may petition the court for changes, modifications, or termination of the injunction. Upon receipt of the petition, the court will hold a hearing and Caboodle must provide evidence that it can care for animals in a responsible manner.

3. The Caboodle Animals shall not be released to the Sheriff until the court, in the Criminal Case, or State’s attorney, authorizes such release.

The judge goes into great detail explaining how he came to his decision.

The Order Placing Animals is now available in the Document Library.